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Peer Community showing offline When Using a NAT


After setting up a community no a group of Exindas, if one of the devices is behind a NAT, it will show up as offline.


Exinda peer appliances that perform acceleration are considered a community. If there are multiple devices that can do acceleration between them, the community includes all users of that. This community aspect allows for all devices to know which ones are operational and which ones are offline, as to better inform the administrators. This means that the devices know the state of each other through heartbeating mechanisms.

However, if one of the community devices is behind a NAT device, the device will show up as 'offline', regardless of its status or reachability.


This is due to a software bug. The Exinda Engineers are currently investigating.


A workaround is to ensure that a NAT is terminated on the LAN side of the Exinda so the device is free to communicate properly with all community members.


There is no resolution at this time.

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Open defect
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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