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Error: 'Edge Cache will be disabled until DNS becomes available' After Upgrading


After upgrading, DNS settings in Configuration > System > Network > DNS may be lost. This will cause the Edge Cache to become disabled. The DNS settings will need to be re-entered for Edge Cache to work again. This error can be observed in Configuration > System > Logging as the following entry:
[ecache.WARNING]: DNS is currently not available. Edge Cache will be disabled until DNS becomes available. Please check your certificate and DNS settings.

This article provides the steps to resolve this issue.

Root Cause

Error during upgrade process rarely causes the DNS settings to be lost.


  1. Navigate to Configuration > System > Network > DNS and enter the necessary information (if it is missing).
  2. Restart the Edge Cache service from Configuration > System > Optimization > Services.


If successful, you may see the following entry in Configuration > System > Logging:
[ecache.NOTICE]: DNS configuration change detected. Edge Cache will now be re-enabled.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
