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Viewing Open Tickets in the GFI Support Portal


This article lists the steps for reviewing current tickets under my activities in the GFI Support Portal.  



Access to the GFI Support Portal



  1. In a browser window, navigate to the GFI Support Portal.
  2. Login to the the GFI Support Portal using your credentials.
  3. To the right of your name in the upper right corner, select the down arrow and from the drop down select My activities.  


  4. Under my requests, you will see a list of support tickets opened by you.  The subject line will link to the ticket information.  At the top, to the left, is a link to requests you are CC'd on.  


  5. Requests I'm CC'd on shows a list of tickets, the same as my requests, that you are copied on, rather than requests you have opened yourself.  


  6. When a ticket is selected by selecting the link in the subject line, we see the information that composes the ticket.  This includes information that was submitted when the ticket was opened on the left.  On the right we see the correspondence between GFI Support and the customer.  This correspondence is listed as who said it, when it was said and what was said.  Finally you have the option, at the top, to the left, to escalate the ticket.  If the button is greyed out, hover over it and it will tell you how long until the ticket can be escalated.  


  7. Finally, while still in the ticket, on the right side, scroll to the bottom and you will see the option to communicate with GFI Support by selecting the add to conversation button.  This will update the ticket with the information you would like to submit to GFI Support.  




 Once the solution steps are followed you will have access to your activities in the GFI Support Portal. 


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted 10 days ago
  3. Updated 9 days ago
