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Repair Script for Manual Re-Indexing


While experiencing user folder Performance issues, the contents of the index.fld and status.fld files should be repaired. The process is called the manual repair of users' folders.

It can be achieved by using indexing (rebuild) utility, linked in the section below. The script uses command-line bash commands.

You may occasionally receive Server errors Root folder cannot be listed or Failed to read rights from folder INBOX, internal error.



Warning! This process should be executed by Administrators only.


The particular folders became corrupted because of local policies or issues with the data store or server performance.

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Manual Re-Indexing Process for Linux

  1. Download the attached script.

  2. Determine whether there is a need to delete the __wm__autoCompleteContacts folder.


    If the folder Then

    Needs to be deleted

    Proceed to the next step.
    Does not need to be deleted

    Modify the script so that the folder is not deleted and then proceed to the next step.


  3. Make the file executable: chmod +x

  4. Run it as a Root user from the store/mail/<domain> directory: ./

Manual Re-Indexing Process for macOS

  1. Download the attached script.
  2. Install Homebrew dependency: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  3. Install the rename package: brew install rename
  4. Make the file executable: chmod +x
  5. Execute the script from the domain directory, i.e. /usr/local/kerio/mailserver/store/mail/<domain>:

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All domain mailboxes are being manually re-indexed.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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