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Fixing Data Consistency Issues


From version 7.3.0 and above, Kerio Connect automatically walks through data storage on the background and performs a check of auxiliary files and fixes issues in case of detected corruption.

Additionally, administrators can fix corrupted data directly from the Kerio Connect Administration interface for specific users or public folders. This article provides the steps to fix data consistency issues for specific users and public folders.



For Specific Users

  1. Log in to the Kerio Connect Administration using an administrator account with 'read/write' access rights.
  2. Navigate to Accounts > Users. A list of users will be displayed, as shown below. 
  3. Choose one or more users. 
  4. Click on More Actions and then click on Reindex Mailbox.


For Public Folders

  1. In the Kerio Connect Administration, navigate to Configuration > Domains.
  2. Click Public Folders and then click Reindex Folders.



Any data consistency issue found during the check is automatically fixed. All detected errors are logged as Error or Warning logs. For more information, refer to Re-indexing Corrupted User Folders.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted 7 days ago
  3. Updated 6 days ago
