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Configuring Automatic Data Consistency Checks


This article describes the steps to perform a message store consistency check in Kerio Connect. Kerio Connect automatically walks through data storage in the background and performs a check of auxiliary files and fixes them in case of detected corruption. It is possible to run fixes on corrupted data directly from web administration for specific users or for public folders.


This article is applicable for Kerio Connect 7.3.0 and newer versions.

The Automatic Storage Check Process

The automatic storage check is scheduled to run immediately after startup (starts in the first 30 seconds), and every 6 hours going forward.

Beside of periodic check, corruption can also be detected when the user opens a folder. In this case, the folder is added to the automatic check queue and is checked almost immediately. Corrupted calendar and contact folders are processed with higher priority.

Check of each folder consists of the following steps:

  • Check of the file with folder information status.fld, and if it is corrupted, the missing attributes are replaced with the default values.
    If status.fld does not exist, and the folder is not one of the standard folders (Inbox, Calendar, Contacts, etc.), the folder is not valid and is not listed in client applications.
  • Check of the file with information about messages index.fld.
    If any corruption is detected or if the file is not found, the index is reconstructed from messages physically stored in folder #msgs.
    If the index is valid, but its records do not correspond to physical messages on the disk (in folder #msgs), redundant records are removed from the index, and missing messages are supplemented.
  • Check of the consistency of file search.fld, which is used to search in messages.
    If corruption is detected, the file is removed and completely reconstructed.
  • Detection and fix of the invalid names of messages, used by WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning) protocol (called DAV-names).

As part of automatic control, the following additional actions are performed:

  • Old messages are deleted, according to the server settings, i.e., feature Items Clean-out and Deleted Items Recovery in domain settings.
  • Check and fix of folder #deleted, in which are archived deleted messages, which can be restored by feature Recover Deleted Items.
  • Check of the database of shared folders, which is used in CalDAV (Calendaring extension to WebDAV) protocol (i.e., file .caldav.db).
  • If more folders with the same GUID identification are detected, identification of one folder is automatically changed by newly generated.
  • Fix of corrupted UIDs of calendar events.


For the User Folder:

  1. Log in to the Kerio Connect Administration with a user account that has read/write rights within the administration.
  2. Within the administration, go to Accounts > Users.
  3. Select one or more users and right-click on them, select More Actions > Reindex Mailbox.



For the Public Folder:

  1. Log into the Kerio Connect Administration.
  2. Within the Administration, go to Configuration > Domains.


  3. Click the Public Folders icon and click on Reindex Folders.



  4. Click OK. All detected errors are logged into the Error or Warning logs.



Kerio Connect will automatically check and fix corrupt data.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
