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Resolving "Unable to open DLL library kavmodule.dll" Error


Kerio Connect is constantly showing the following entries in the Logs:

[11/Oct/2019 09:34:47] AntivirusModule.cpp: Antivirus module: Unable to open DLL library D:\Kerio\MailServer/plugins/kavmodule.dll
[11/Oct/2019 09:39:48] AntivirusModule.cpp: Antivirus module: Unable to open DLL library D:\Kerio\MailServer/plugins/kavmodule.dll

This article provides steps on how to resolve this error message.


  • Admin access to Kerio Connect server.
  • The latest version of Kerio Connect is installed.
  • Ensure that the Kerio folder (in this case D:\Kerio\MailServer) is excluded from any Antivirus software or firewall installed on the server.



  1. Stop Kerio Connect.

  2. Navigate to the folder reported in the logs (i.e., D:\Kerio\MailServer/plugins/).

  3. Download the attached zip file containing the kavmodule.dll file.

  4. Extract the content of the zip file to the directory in step 2.

    Note: The DLL file attached is from a server running version 9.2.10. Please ensure that the affected server is running the same version to avoid any issues after copying the DLL file.
  5. Start Kerio Connect.



The error message is no longer shown in the Logs.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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