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Resolving Bitdefender Issues


At times, Kerio Connect Antivirus may fail to initialize or download updates due to plugin issues, blocked connection to the update servers, or SSL certificates not being verified. This article provides the steps to fix such Bitdefender issues.

Refer to the following articles for solutions based on specific debug messages:

I/O Timeout in Antivirus Debug Messages

Plugin Failing to Verify SSL Certificate


Full Admin access to the Kerio server is required. 


  1. Stop Kerio Connect.

  2. Go to the mailserver folder.
    The default locations are: 

    • Windows: C:\Program Files\Kerio\MailServer

    • macOS: /usr/local/kerio/mailserver

    • Linux: /opt/kerio/mailserver

  3. Remove the bitdefender folder.

    The example below is valid for Windows users:


  4. Start Kerio Connect and let it perform the initial update.

    • If there is a problem with the initial update, you can copy the bitdefender folder from another installation on the same operating system. This solution also applies to the cases where the server does not have a connection to the internet to update the Bitdefender definitions.
    • The source server must not be running an update when you copy its virus definitions.
    • The Kerio Connect service on the target server must be stopped before copying the data to the bitdefender folder.



Kerio Connect Antivirus should initialize and update the Bitdefender definitions successfully.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
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