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Modify Resource Calendar to Show Event Subject


While sending Calendar invitation with assigned Resource or Room, the event subject (summary) is not displayed automatically. Personal calendars cannot obtain this information because of security concerns.

The default behavior to hide the event subject can be changed by modifying the Kerio Connect internal configuration file.


Resource calendars are shared with all users of their corresponding email domain. This means that if an event is scheduled in a resource calendar, all other users in that domain can see the event. For security reasons, the details of the event are hidden to all users. Only the organizer's name and the scheduled time are provided with the event. In some cases, you may want to change this behavior so that all users have access to the details of the event. For example, you may have a company calendar called 'trade_shows', which you've set up as a resource, and you want that all details of the events added to this calendar are available to all users.

Note: This change is applied to new events only. All events created before the change has the subject information already hidden or removed.


To modify the default behavior, you'll need to edit the mailserver.cfg configuration file, located in the installation directory of your Kerio Connect server. Normally, it is located in

Windows: C:\Program Files\Kerio\MailServer
macOS: /usr/local/kerio/mailserver
Linux: /opt/kerio/mailserver

  1. Stop the Kerio Connect server.
  2. Using a text editor, open the mailserver.cfg file, and search for the Resource tag.
    You'll notice a series of list items, which correspond to each resource you've created on the server. Within each resource item, you will see a value labeled ClearEventSubject. The value is set to 1 by default. Change this value to 0, then save the file.
    <list name="Resource">
    <variable name="Name">test_resource</variable>
    <variable name="Domain">support2.test.lab</variable>
    <variable name="Description">Resource description</variable>
    <variable name="Type">0</variable>
    <variable name="IsAvailable">1</variable>
    <variable name="ClearEventSubject">1</variable>
    <variable name="AllowMultipleReservation">0</variable>
    <variable name="Manager">Admin@support.test.lab</variable>
    <variable name="Guid">4e2656d0-1536-4f11-83af-dd8c0ca9ddda</variable>
    <variable name="ResourceUsers">authuser@support2.test.lab</variable>
  3. Start the Kerio Connect server.
  4. Verify that the changes are applied to new events.


New Resource Calendars are showing the subject of the event in Webmail.

Note: in the particular example below, test_resource is showing the correct event subject, but testing_resource is showing the name of the person who booked the resource.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
