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'0x80004005 E_FAIL' and '0x80004001 E_NOTIMPL' errors in Kerio Outlook Connector


While synchronizing Kerio Connect items in KOFF, Outlook may produce 0x80004005 E_FAIL and 0x80004001 E_NOTIMPL errors. The KOFF is unable to send or synchronize a message with the Kerio Connect server.

After the error occurred, KOFF may suggest contacting the system Administrator with providing failure details.

From: Kerio Outlook Connector
Sent: None
Subject: Unable to synchronize a message!
Importance: High



KOFF can synchronize folders in Full synchronization mode or Headers and message body in plain text (attachments downloaded manually). 



  • Access to the Kerio Connect server.





  1. Remove the Outlook profile.

  2. Remove KOFF [Kerio Outlook Connector (Offline Edition)] and the Kerio Updater service from the Add/Remove Program feature in the Windows Control Panel.

  3. Remove the following folders:
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Kerio\UpdaterService
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Kerio\OutlookConnector
    • C:\Users\*user-name*\AppData\Local\Kerio\Outlook Connector

  4. Reboot the client PC.

  5. Run an online repair for the Office application.

  6. Stop the Kerio Connect server.

  7. Navigate to the store folder. By default, this will be at C:\Program Files\Kerio\MailServer\Store\Mail\[domain]\[username].

  8. Remove the __keriomapi__STORE, folder and the .journal.db and specguid.fld files.

  9. Start Kerio Connect.

  10. Re-index the user's mailbox.

  11. Download and install KOFF.

  12. Recreate the Outlook profile.



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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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