Mobile devices unable to connect with Activesync when GFI MailEssentials processing is enabled
Versions / Builds Affected
2012 / 20130226
Problem Summary
When email processing is enabled, users with mobile devices are unable to connect to the Exchange server with Activesync. The issue is resolved when processing is disabled.
How to Identify
In the application event log, there might not necessarily be errors about connecting with Activesync, but on the mobile devices depending on the client application, there may be unspecified connection errors.
Workaround / Fix Details
Verify the default website is started or perform an IIS reset Upgrade customer to GFI MailEssentials 2015 or later
Required Actions
Attach this article to the case. If possible, get specific connection/HTTP errors and a copy of the Application event log (plus troubleshooter logs of course) from the customer's machine. Upgrade customer to GFI MailEssentials 2015 or later
Priyanka Bhotika