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How to re-install the Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) service


To reinstall Microsoft Message Queuing MSMQ, please perform the following steps:
Windows Server 2003:
  1. Browse to Control Panel.
  2. Open Add/Remove Program.
  3. Open Add/Remove Windows Components.
  4. Click Application Server
  5. Uncheck Message Queuing.
  6. Go through the entire wizard.
  7. Reboot the machine.
  8. Follow the same steps to re-install MSMQ (Message Queuing).
Windows Server 2008 or newer:
  1. In Server Manager, click Features.
  2. In the right-hand pane under Features Summary, click Remove Features.
  3. In the resulting window, expand Message Queuing.
  4. Deselect Message Queuing Services.
  5. Click Next, then click Remove.
  6. Reboot the machine.
  7. In Server Manager, click Features.
  8. In the right-hand pane under Features Summary, click Add Features.
  9. In the resulting window, expand Message Queuing.
  10. Expand Message Queuing Services.
  11. Click Directory Services Integration (for computers joined to a Domain), then click HTTP Support.
  12. Click Next, then click Install.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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