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GFI FaxMaker installation fails - Requires SMTP or Exchange 2003/2007/2010 or MAPI client



GFI FaxMaker installation fails - Requires SMTP or Exchange 2003/2007/2010 or MAPI client


  • GFI FaxMaker 2013 or earlier
  • all supported environments (except Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows 8)


GFI FaxMaker is being installed on the same machine as Microsoft Exchange:
  1. Install the MAPI Client and Collaboration Data
  2. You can download the Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects 1.2.1 from the following link:
  3. Retry the GFI FaxMaker installation
GFI FaxMaker is being installed on a separate machine than Microsoft Exchange.  To install the IIS role and the SMTP feature on Microsoft Server 2008:
  1. Click the Start button
  2. Click on Server Manager
  3. Click on the Features node in the Server Manager pane, then click on Add Features in the Features Summary pane
  4. Click on the box next to SMTP Server, and the Add Features Wizard window opens clarifying which role services and features need to be installed. Click the Add Required Role Services button and click Next
  5. Click Next on the page which discusses the Web Server (IIS) role, which is already installed
  6. Note on the next page that the only new role service which will be installed is the IIS 6 Management Console; click Next
  7. Review the installation selection on the next page, and note that SMTP Server will be installed, and click Install
  8. Ensure that the installation is successful, then click Close
  9. Install the MAPI Client and Collaboration Data
  10. You can download the Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects 1.2.1 from the following link:
  11. Retry the GFI FaxMaker installation
GFI FaxMaker is being installed on a separate machine than Microsoft Exchange. To install the IIS role and the SMTP feature on Microsoft Server 2003
  1. Go to Control Panel and open Add or Remove Programs, then click Add/Remove Windows Components
  2. Select Internet Information Services (IIS), and then click Details
  3. Select the SMTP Service component check box
  4. Click OK, click Next, and then click Finish
  5. Retry the GFI FaxMaker installation


The Microsoft SMTP server is a required component to successfully install and run the GFI FaxMaker application (on all supported environments except Microsoft Windows 7 and 8 ). Since Microsoft Exchange servers 2007 and 2010 replaced the SMTP service role with the Hub transport role to send and receive emails, GFI FaxMaker requires the MAPI Client and Collaboration Data to be installed.

Note: With GFI FaxMaker 2014, Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows 8 do not require the SMTP feature to be present. Previous versions of FaxMaker will still fail when attempting to install on a Microsoft Windows 7 or 8 machine.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
