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VIPRE Antivirus Failing to Update Error: ...Failed to copy new definition data


VIPRE Antivirus fails to update. The following errors may be seen in the Autoupdate.log file:

"info ","AutoUpdate","AuUpdate: erp count -1" "error ","AutoUpdate","Error updating local files: Failed to copy new definition data" ... "info ","autoupdate","downloadsize: 218726697" "error ","autoupdate","error: patchmethod [C:\GFI\MailEssentials\updater\VIPRE\vipre_current_revision.txt]" "warning","Repository","Publish: nothing to load/unload...returning S_OK" "info ","Repository","Publish: backing up data..." "info ","Repository","BackupData: copying information [C:\GFI\MailEssentials\Antivirus\vipre]->[C:\GFI\MailEssentials\AntiVirus\backup\vipre\]" "info ","Repository","Publish: updating data..." "info ","Repository","UpdateData: copying information [C:\GFI\MailEssentials\updater\VIPRE\\]->[C:\GFI\MailEssentials\Antivirus\vipre]" "warning","Repository","CopyFiles: failed to copy file[gfivipreldr.dll] with err[32], attempting removal of attributes..." "error ","Repository","CopyFiles: failed to copy file[gfivipreldr.dll] with err[0x80070020]" "error ","Repository","UpdateData: failed to copy files from[C:\GFI\MailEssentials\updater\VIPRE\\] to [C:\GFI\MailEssentials\Antivirus\vipre], hr[0x80070020]" "error ","Repository","Publish: failed to copy new data[0x80070020]" "info ","Repository","Publish: rolling back..." "warning","Repository","CopyFiles: failed to copy file[gfivipreldr.dll] with err[32], attempting removal of attributes..." "warning","Repository","CopyFiles: failed to copy file[lgpl.dll] with err[32], attempting removal of attributes..." "warning","Repository","CopyFiles: failed to copy file[lib7zip.dll] with err[32], attempting removal of attributes..." "warning","Repository","CopyFiles: failed to copy file[libBase64.dll] with err[32], attempting removal of attributes..." "warning","Repository","CopyFiles: failed to copy file[libEmail.dll] with err[32], attempting removal of attributes..." "warning","Repository","CopyFiles: failed to copy file[libMachoUniv.dll] with err[32], attempting removal of attributes..." "warning","Repository","CopyFiles: failed to copy file[libMsCab.dll] with err[32], attempting removal of attributes..." "warning","Repository","CopyFiles: failed to copy file[libMsi.dll] with err[32], attempting removal of attributes..." "warning","Repository","CopyFiles: failed to copy file[libNSIS.dll] with err[32], attempting removal of attributes..." "warning","Repository","CopyFiles: failed to copy file[libOleA.dll] with err[32], attempting removal of attributes..." "warning","Repository","CopyFiles: failed to copy file[libRar.dll] with err[32], attempting removal of attributes..." "warning","Repository","CopyFiles: failed to copy file[libRTF.dll] with err[32], attempting removal of attributes..." "warning","Repository","CopyFiles: failed to copy file[libtd.dll] with err[32], attempting removal of attributes..." "warning","Repository","CopyFiles: failed to copy file[libVvs.dll] with err[32], attempting removal of attributes..." "warning","Repository","CopyFiles: failed to copy file[libZip.dll] with err[32], attempting removal of attributes..." "warning","Repository","CopyFiles: failed to copy file[remediation.dll] with err[32], attempting removal of attributes..." "warning","Repository","CopyFiles: failed to copy file[vcore.dll] with err[32], attempting removal of attributes..." "warning","Repository","CopyFiles: failed to copy file[vipre.dll] with err[32], attempting removal of attributes..."


  • warning","Repository","Publish: nothing to load/unload...returning S_OK is specific to build 20150102 CU2 installed
  • Publish: no sinks to unload were found, exiting is specific to build 20150102 without CU2


GFI MailEssentials 2015


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