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Licenses Status Error: 'Invalid license key.'


The Licenses Status shows "Invalid license key" when entered in to Archiver



Users may receive errors when updating the license key using Viewing and Editing License Keys such as Invalid license key. Most commonly this is due to a version mismatch of the license keys. If you have recently performed a key renewal or upgrade by Contacting a Reseller/Distributor follow the steps below to verify you are using a key for the correct version of the product. 



License should be accessible via Obtaining your GFI License Key



First, let's verify the version of the software currently installed. 

License version mismatch

  • From the GFI Archiver web page, go to the Home > Version Information


When viewing the key in the Accounts Portal as shown in Obtaining your GFI License Key the version is indicated in the License Overview. The license version must match the major version of the product in order for the key to be verified and functional. (i.e. Archiver 15 will not function with a version 14 license)

The best solution to a mismatched license is to upgrade to the latest version of the product to obtain all of the latest fixes and product features. When dealing with items such as legal hold, or older servers which do not support the latest system requirements, for users with a recent renewal the license key can be downgraded to match the current version of the product by Contacting GFI Sales.

Alternatively, if the key is for an older version of the Archiver product, Upgrading License Keys for GFI Products walks through the steps to perform to upgrade the license key to the latest release. This would then allow the new key to be used with the current version of the product. 


Large log files preventing license from being recognized

Rarely it is possible for the log files to grow to a size that causes issues with the license to be reported to the modules in the product. 

  1. Launch services.msc (Start > Programs > Windows Accessories > Services)
  2. Stop all GFI Archiver services.
  3. Delete ..\Core\UMPolling\queue\MARCEMQUEUE.FDB.
  4. Delete ..\Core\UMPolling\fail\failednew.log.
  5. Delete any large notification emails from ..\Core\SMTP\Retry and ..\Core\SMTP\Queue folders.
  6. Start all GFI Archiver services from step 2.




After matching the license version to the version installed or purging the files, follow the steps in Viewing and Editing License Keys, enter the appropriate key and the Invalid License Key error should no longer be present. 

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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