Overview This article provides information on how to view and edit the license key within GFI Archiver. Diagnosis Once the license key expires, GFI Archiver stops archiving emails and files, and i...
Overview The Licenses Status shows Invalid license key when entered in to Archiver Diagnosis Users may receive errors when updating the license key using Viewing and Editing License Keys such as Inv...
Overview Licensing within GFI Archiver is split into the following two areas (each type is counted separately): Archiving License File Archiving License This article describes how these licenses work ...
Overview This article will provide details on what occurs when users exceed license count, the server no longer has a license or the license has expired beyond the grace period. Diagnosis If the l...
Overview This article provides steps for determining what users and mailboxes are using a license and which are included or excluded from archiving by Archive Restrictions. Diagnosis Administrat...
Update your license key using the GFI Archiver configuration section before attempting to update it manually. Follow these steps to update manually: Open the services.msc file. Stop all GFI Archiver s...
Overview You may not have received any new invoice when your Service Maintenance Agreement (SMA) is about to be expired. Follow the steps below for the renewal of your SMA. Diagnosis Your Service ...