The MassPSTExport tool consists of a simple console application which can export a number of PST files into EML files with one simple command.As a scenario, imagine you have around 500 PST files (which is quite normal for a 500 user license). You collect all PST files in a folder and have a CSV file with the PST filename and email address of each owner that will be associated with each PST.
You feed this CSV file into the application with some additional parameters and it starts exporting the PST files to EML files, with all the X-Owner headers required. There is a sample CSV file located in the main directory that comes included with the tool.
There are two variants for x86 and x64 basically using the logic depending on what Microsoft Outlook version you have installed.
- This tool/script should be used ONLY on installations running the following versions:
- GFI Archiver 2015: 20141117, 20150218
- GFI MailArchiver 2014: 20140616
- Please ensure to read the readme.txt bundled with the ZIP file
- Patches, tools and scripts are subject to the terms of the END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT ("EULA") that you accepted when installing the GFI product. GFI is not responsible for any data loss and will not be held accountable for the misuse of any patches or scripts. Therefore, please make sure that you follow all the instructions included within the readme.txt document diligently.For reference to the EULA please visit:
- Download the tool/script (see above)
- Read the readme.txt which is bundled with ZIP file for usage instructions
Priyanka Bhotika