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Excluding Microsoft Outlook Stores from Being Archived by the GFI Archiver Archive Assistant


The GFI Archiver Archive Assistant is configured to automatically archive all emails found within Microsoft Outlook stores (for example IMAP / PST / Microsoft Exchange mailboxes). It is possible to exclude stores from being archived by adding exclude information in the configuration file.


To exclude stores from being archived:

  1. Close Microsoft Outlook.
  2. From the Start menu, select Run, then type: %localappdata%
  3. Then navigate into the subfolder: Microsoft_Corporation > C__Users_<USERNAME>_AppData__Path_...
  4. Select and browse the directory having the highest integer number as the file name.
  5. Open user.config with Notepad.
  6. In the section <Configuration> <userSettings> <MArc.Outlook.Addon.Properties.Settings>, locate the following block or add it if it does not exist:
    <setting name="ArchiveAssistantStoreExclusions" serializeAs="String">
    <value>Shared Sales Mailbox;Shared Support Mailbox;<value>
    Note: In the value field, enter the store names delimited by a semicolon ‘;’. If there is already a store name, append to the value.
  7. Save the file.
  8. Start Microsoft Outlook.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted 7 days ago
