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Determining the Version Information of Exchange Server


This article describes the different ways to determine the version information of the Exchange server.


To verify the version of Exchange that is running in your organization, retrieve the build number using one of the methods below, and compare it to Exchange Server Build Numbers and Release Dates.

Retrieving Information from Exchange Server

  • Exchange 2003
    1. Start the Microsoft Exchange Administrator program
    2. In the navigation pane, expand the objects until you locate the server object
    3. Right-click the server object, and then click Properties

  • Exchange 2007 or 2010
    • Using the Exchange Management console
      1. Start the Microsoft Exchange Management console
      2. In the navigation pane, expand the Server Configuration objects until you locate the server object, and then select the server object
      3. On the right side, notice the Exchange version number
    • Using Exchange Management Shell
      1. Start the Microsoft Exchange Management Shell
      2. Run the following command at the command line:
        Get-ExchangeServer | fl name,edition,admindisplayversion
  • Exchange 2013 or 2016
    1. Start the Microsoft Exchange Management Shell
    2. Run the following command at the command line:
      Get-ExchangeServer | fl name,edition,admindisplayversion

Retrieving Information from Outlook

  1. With Microsoft Outlook running, press and hold CTRL while you right-click the Outlook icon in the notification area, at the far right of the taskbar

    User-added image
  2. Click Connection Status
  3. Move the horizontal slider to the right.
  4. Note the number that appears under the Version column heading.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
