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Configuring the MailInsights Email Responsiveness Report in GFI Archiver


The Email Responsiveness report enables you to gain insight into the average time it takes users to reply to internal and external email. This article desribes the process to configure two important parameters of this report:

  • Inclusion and Exclusion list: An inclusion and exclusion list can be specified in the product.config file.
    Domains in the exclusion list will be removed from the list parsed from Active Directory. This is intended to remove any domains which have been included in the list of the internal domains because a particular user has been assigned a different email address such as ‘’.
    Domains in the inclusion list will be added to the list parsed from the Active Directory. Any domains found in the inclusion list will be considered as internal domains. This list takes priority over the exclusion list.
  • Responsiveness Time Setting: The email responsiveness performs sanity checks on the responsiveness values obtained. By default the report deletes any responsiveness entries which account to less than 1 minute, or more than 15 days (21600 minutes).


Note: This procedure requires to edit files manually. If edited incorrectly it can leave the server in a non-operational state. Please keep backups of any file which is edited throughout this article before saving any changes to them.

  1. Stop all GFI Archiver services
  2. Open the following file in Notepad: ..\InstallationFolder\Store\Data\product.config
  3. To specify an Inclusion and Exclusion list enter the following keys within the <appSettings> section:
    <add key="InclusionDomainList" value=";"/>        
    <add key="ExclusionDomainList" value="" />
    To modify Responsiveness Time Settings enter the following keys within the <appSettings> section:
    <add key="RptErMin" value="2" />
    <add key="RptErMax" value="10000" />
    Note: The values defined in the <value> field are examples. You can change these values as per your requirement.
  4. Save the file.
  5. Start all GFI Archiver services.

Note: When upgrading to a newer version of GFI Archiver, installation files mentioned in this procedure will be overwritten with default versions making the changes void and ineffective. It is therefore suggested to keep a record of this procedure and follow it once again directly after upgrading to keep this functionality intact.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
