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Changing Location of the MARCEMQUEUE.FDB File


This article describes the process to change the location of the MARCEMQUEUE.FDB file. By default, the file is stored in ..\GFI\Archiver\Core\UMPolling\queue folder.


  1. Create a new folder where the file should be located. For example, E:\NewFolder.
  2. Stop all GFI Archiver services.
  3. Edit file product.config file in ..\GFI\Archiver\Core\Data and add a key as follows:
    <add key="UMPollingQueuePath" value="E:\NewFolder" />
    where the path after  "value=" is the path where you want the new database to be stored
  4. Delete the original database, MARCEMQUEUE.FDB.
  5. Start all GFI Archiver services.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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