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Adding the GFI Archiver Link to Microsoft Outlook Web App


This article describes the process to add the GFI Archiver link to Microsoft Outlook web application.


To add the GFI Archiver link to your Outlook Web App:

  1. Download the package.
  2. Decompress the package contents to the Outlook Web App customization folder. Depending on your Microsoft Exchange Server installation, this might be one of the following folders:
    • Microsoft Exchange 2007: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\ClientAccess\Owa\forms\Customization
    • Microsoft Exchange 2010: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\ClientAccess\Owa\forms\Customization
      Note: If you already have a customized UIExtensions.xml, then do not overwrite the file. Merge both files instead
  3. Open the file UIExtensions.xml in Notepad.
  4. Replace the GFI Archiver URL with the correct URL of your GFI Archiver Server: For example, http://localhost/Archiver/Archive.aspx
  5. Save the changes and close the editor.
  6. Execute the following command to restart the Internet Information Server (IIS): iisreset /noforce


After logging in to Microsoft Exchange OWA, you should now be able to see the GFI Archiver icon and link in the navigation bar.


  • Integration is not supported in Microsoft Exchange 2013
  • Microsoft Exchange 2007 OWA only shows the small GFI Archiver icon by default and not the GFI Archiver text next to it. This is a limitation of OWA itself. OWA Segmentation allows hiding default links (e.g., Tasks or Documents) to free up space for the GFI Archiver link if needed.
  • Assistance by the GFI technical support team regarding this topic is limited, as such Microsoft Exchange configuration falls outside of the scope of GFI.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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