There are two ways that GFI Archiver can be handled during a Microsoft Exchange Migration:Note:
Remember to note the date and time stamps of the migration process.
Scenario 1: Creating another journal mailbox
Use this procedure when not migrating the journal mailbox and setting up a new journal mailbox on the new Microsoft Exchange server.
- In the GFI Archiver Web interface navigate to Configuration > Mail Servers to Archive.
- To have GFI Archiver create a new Journal Mailbox, click Add and choose the option to let GFI Archiver create the journal mailbox
- To create a new journal mailbox manually follow the steps in our Administrator Manual:
- Verify that the connection to the journal mailbox has a green check mark indicating it is active.
- Perform the migration of the user mailboxes to the new server.
- Once the migration is complete, log into the old Exchange Server Journal Mailbox via Outlook or OWA and verify that all mail has been pulled from that journal mailbox.
- Back in the GFI Archiver Web UI under Configuration > Mail Servers to Archive highlight the Journal Mailbox connection from the old server and click Remove.
Scenario 2: Migrating the original journal mailbox
Use this procedure when migrating a journal mailbox to a new Microsoft Exchange server. It is suggested to complete the migration of the journal mailbox either as the first or last mailbox migrated.
- Within the GFI Archiver web interface, navigate to Configuration > Mail Servers to Archive.
- Deactivate or Remove the current journal mailbox.
- Perform the migration of the mailbox to the new server.
- Verify that the mailbox is the Journal recipient by following steps in our Administrator Manual
- Within the GFI Archiver web interface, navigate to Configuration > Mail Servers to Archive.
- Enable the journal mailbox:
- If the journal mailbox was deactivated in Step 2, highlight the journal mailbox and click Edit to run the edit wizard to connect to the journal mailbox again. Ensure it is pointing to the new Exchange server. To bypass autodiscovery for the new Exchange Server, please see How to bypass the Exchange Auto Discovery feature in GFI Archiver
- If the journal mailbox was removed in Step 2, click Add and complete the wizard prompts to connect to the journal mailbox. For reference, please see Managing Mail Servers within the Administrator Manual
- Verify that the connection to the journal mailbox has a green check mark indicating it is active.
Priyanka Bhotika