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Error: "Client found response content type of ' ', but expected 'text/xml'. The request failed with an empty response" When Editing a Journal Mailbox Using the EWS Protocol


This article provides the solution to an issue you may encounter when you are trying to add or edit a journal mailbox using the EWS protocol.


When going through the Mail Servers to the Archive wizard, and you are trying to add or edit a journal mailbox as a datasource using the EWS protocol, the following error is shown:

Failed during: Testing connection
Details: Could not perform test of connection. Details: Client found response content type of '', but expected 'text/xml'. The request failed with an empty response.

The binding with a defined hostname on the IIS site hosting the EWS web application from Microsoft Exchange causes EWS not to work correctly. 


To fix this issue, follow the steps below:

  1. Open IIS.
  2. Find the site that is hosting the EWS web application.
  3. Right-click the site and click "Edit bindings...".
  4. Check for entries in the list which have a hostname value defined.
  5. Remove the binding.
    Note: Before removing the binding, check why it was created and ensure that removing it does not affect other functionalities.


You can add/edit the journal mailbox successfully using the EWS protocol.

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