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BIX Files in the Binary Folder Increase Disproportionately Higher Than Emails in the Database


The total amount of BIX files in the binary folder is disproportionately higher than emails in the database itself. For example, the binary folder of Archive Store "2012 Nov - Dec" holds 1 million emails, but the database only refers to 100k email.

The customer would approach us reporting:

  • Little or no disk space left on the disk which holds the binary folders.
  • The binary folders holding the bix files are too large in size.


This situation has been handled using the article "GFI MailArchiver cannot process emails due to third-party applications removing files" and the RemoveOrphanedEmail script which was mentioned in it (but not anymore). Please determine this issue using this procedure:

  1. Open the web interface and navigate to Configuration > Archive Stores.
  2. Open the Summary of the archive store in question.
  3. Note down the following values:
    • Archive Store contains
    • X emails Path to the binary source
  4. Using Windows Explorer, open the properties path noted in the previous step (the binary folder) and note the total amount of files (Y).
  5. Compare these two numbers (X and Y).
  6. The issue is confirmed if Y is significantly larger than X.


20140616 or older


The Remove Orphaned Emails script can be used to free up disk space, but the script does not address the root cause. Follow these steps to address this issue:

  1. Go through the article "GFI MailArchiver cannot process emails due to third-party applications removing files".
  2. Clear up disk space using the Script: RemoveOrphanedEmails.
    NOTE: If the customer is on an unsupported version for this script, they need to upgrade to a version for which the script is available.
  3. Upgrade to GFI Archiver 2015 build 20141117 or newer.
  4. If you are running GFI MailArchiver 2014 build 20140616 or older and the disproportionately higher growth of the binary folder stopped after the upgrade, consider the case solved here and do not escalate.
  5. If the binary folder still increases disproportionately higher than emails in the database follow the steps below:
    1. Create a set of troubleshooting files showing the issue (archival process) on the current MARC version.
    2. Stop the services and leave them stopped (so that the binary folder does not fill up the disk again).
    3. Discuss the situation with PSG / escalate.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
