GFI Archiver searches within the web interface by default return a maximum of 5000 email results. This article explains the process to reset this limit to a new one.
Searches performed within the web interface do return a max. of 5000 emails by default. Unchecking this option is NOT recommended since it can degrade server performance due to the processing load. The workaround is to use the Import Export Tool:
- Search "Emails containing specific words".
- Look for the "add search string".
- Uncheck 5k result.
- Look through the pages and double click an entry to open the email.
*********************** OBSOLETE BELOW ********************************
OBSOLETE information, unclear last version that it used to work, but it doesn't work with 12.X and up.
When using the Import Export Tool (IET) to download emails from GFI Archiver the tool also returns a maximum of 5000 emails by default. The limitation in the IET can be removed by simply unchecking the option named Retrieve only the first 5000 occurrences.
The 5000 email limit can be changed by editing index.xml. One such file exists per index.
The changes below affect the limit in the web interface and the limit used by the IET when the option Retrieve only the first 5000 occurrences is selected. To edit the limit:
- Stop all GFI Archiver services
- Open the index path (for example ..\GFI\Archiver\Indexes\2012 Jan\index)
- Open index.xml with notepad.exe
- Modify the values of the keys autostoplimit and maxfiles to the desired limit, e.g. to: autostoplimit="7500" maxfiles="7500"
- Repeat steps 2-4 for all indexes
- Start all GFI Archiver services
- It is not recommended to increase this limit as it can negatively affect performance.
Priyanka Bhotika