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Archiver | Re-Run Post Install Wizard


  1. Open the WebUI for Archiver
  2. Once logged in with an admin account, you will see the URL at the top as:
    • <protocol>://<serverName>/Archiver/Dashboard.aspx or the last page visited
  3. Change /Archiver/Dashboard.aspx to /Archiver/PostInstallWizard.aspx
  • a full window will be displayed instead of a pop-up
  • instead of running the post install again, if one of the 3 tasks for the post installation was not done (Licensing, Archiver Store Settings and Archiving Method), these tasks will appear as red in the left panel on the Configuration tab
  • by default, the wizard will not trigger if all 3 settings were previously entered
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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