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Why does GFI LanGuard fail to install the agent on a remote computer?


GFI LanGuard offers the option to have an agent deployed on remote computers to help distribute scan load, reduce network traffic and improve accuracy.  A background system ensures that the agent is installed on selected computers, and that program updates and scan results are transferred between the server computer and the agent computers. Requirements For GFI LanGuard to be able to deploy and manage agents on the network the following requirements must be met:

  • GFI LanGuard Computer
    • File and Printer Sharing must be enabled
    • Ports required by GFI LanGuard: See the list of ports here.
  • GFI LanGuard Agent Computer
    • File and Printer Sharing must be enabled and not blocked by firewall
    • Remote Registry service must be enabled
    • Firewall should allow incoming echo requests


  • Agent deployment occurs in the same manner as patch deployment. How does patch deployment work in GFI LanGuard? explains this process in further detail
  • To troubleshoot the required open ports between the GFI LanGuard Agent Computer and the GFI LanGuard Computer, a telnet test can be performed. Example: From command prompt on the targeted Agent machine, type Telnet IPofLanGuard 1072 (no quotes; IPofLanGuard is a dynamic variable) and ensure connection.
  • Verify that you can scan and remediate successfully without the agent installed. 

Below is a list of the most common errors encountered while attempting to install the GFI LanGuard Agent on a remote computer. The errors are displayed in Dashboard:

  1. Access is denied. The agent management component does not have enough privileges on the target computer to query the remote registry or copy files.
    • Solution 1: Set the GFI LanGuard Attendant service to run under a user account having administrative privileges on computers in the network (e.g. a domain administrator account).
    • Solution 2: Specify alternative credentials for individual computers or groups of computers.
  2. Computer not online. The IP address of the target computer could not be resolved, or the target computer does not respond to echo requests (ping).
    • Solution: Ensure that the IP address of the computer can be resolved (by NetBIOS or DNS lookup) and that the target computer firewall allows incoming echo requests. Execute ping hostname in command prompt; if this command succeeds then the GFI LanGuard agent manager should be able to find the computer as well.
      • Note: If more than 5 minutes pass without a computer being discovered then it is skipped for the next 30 minutes.
  3. Failed to install the agent. The agent installer was executed on the target computer but installation failed.
    • Solution: An investigation of the log file generated by the agent installer should indicate the problem encountered. The agent installer generates a log file named LANSS_v11_AgentInstallKitLog.log in the %systemroot%\Temp directory on the computer where it was executed.

Sample error from a log of a failed install: Product: GFI LanGuard 12 Agent -- Error 1500. Another installation is in progress. You must complete that installation before continuing this one.
Searching the log file for text like Product: GFI LanGuard 12 Agent -- Error helps to identify the error encountered by the agent installer.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
