Unable to install the update package lnss_11_vulns.7z (vulnerabilities database)
Versions / Builds Affected
GFI LanGuard 2012 SR1 (20121127)
Problem Summary
LanGuard Program Update downloads all the databases properly but fails to install the vulnerabilities database (lnss_11_vulns.7z)
How to Identify
The issue seems to affect only to non-English installations, but if you experience a similar issue check if you have the same warning messages in lanss_v111_configtools.csv file. 2013-01-31,13:04:00,130,3,"#0000138c","#0000124c","warning","update.exe","ReportFailedPackage - Package 'VULNERABILITIES' installation failed. Last Error: 0. Vulnerabilities import failed." 2013-01-31,13:04:00,132,3,"#0000138c","#0000124c","info ","update.exe","DeleteFileIfExistent - File 'C:\ProgramData\GFI\LanGuard 11\Update\lanss_11_vulns.7z' was deleted successfully." 2013-01-31,13:04:00,135,3,"#0000138c","#0000124c","info ","update.exe","InstallVulns - <<" 2013-01-31,13:04:00,136,3,"#0000138c","#0000124c","info ","update.exe","CustomActionAfter - Checking update package 'VULNERABILITIES' (CustomAct value: '')..." 2013-01-31,13:04:00,137,3,"#0000138c","#0000124c","info ","update.exe","CustomActionAfter - Update package does not use this custom action!" 2013-01-31,13:04:00,138,3,"#0000138c","#0000124c","warning","update.exe","ThirdStage - Installation of VULNERABILITIES failed. Install state was: 2."
Workaround / Fix Details
A patch has been released through Auto Updates (impexop_agent and impexop_server version 2). Go to Program Updates and manually run the update process. Install the missing databases/packages, if there are any available.
Required Actions
Apply the workaround. If the issue persists, please collect a full set of logs and escalate it.
Priyanka Bhotika