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Customizing Email Notification Templates


From time to time, there may be a requirement to configure customized Email templates for specific email notifications (e.g., Virus alert, Antivirus check, Backup, etc.). 

This article provides instructions on how to customize Email notification templates.


Configure the Email server using MyKerio or SMTP server

SSH access to Kerio Control



  1. Log in to Kerio Control via the SSH console.

  2. Navigate to the /opt/kerio/winroute/templates/email folder. The command is:

    cd /opt/kerio/winroute/templates/email
  3. Make the system read-writable by running the command:

    mount -o rw,remount /
  4. Locate the necessary template file for the required language. It will have a .tpl file extension.

    Important: It is recommended to backup the original .tpl file before any modification. The customization changes might not survive the upgrade of Kerio Control, because the upgrade procedure overwrites some of the internal files. 


  5. Modify the necessary file (i.e., Virus alert notification) using Vim or Nano editor.

  6. Save the changes and reboot Kerio Control by running this command:
     /etc/boxinit.d/60winroute restart


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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