If you want to use groups to define permissions in a specific policy and you are not on a domain you will need to do the following.On Target Machines
- Open the Computer Management Console. Navigate to Local Users and Groups and create a local group called GFIEPS
- Add all local users to that Group
- Open the Computer Management Console. Navigate to Local Users and Groups and create a local group called GFI EPS
See example. Note that this will for different OS versions:

- In the GFI EndPointSecurity Console click Protection Policies, add the local group (from the console machine) to the policy
- When choosing the group, you may have to click Locations... and select the group from the <Computer_Name> location
- As long as the local user or group name selected has the same local user or group name on the agent machine the permissions will apply on the agent machines
Priyanka Bhotika