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Is it possible to block P2P traffic using GFI WebMonitor?


It is possible prevent people from surfing P2P and newsgroup sites by blocking the P2P sites category in a Web Filtering policy.

In GFI WebMonitor 2013 navigate to Settings > PoliciesInternet Policies as shown below:
User-added image

You can also prevent any .torrent files from downloading by adding a custom content type to a Download policy. To do this: 
  1. Navigate to Settings > Policies > Download Policies
  2. Modify the desired Download Policy by clicking its name
  3. Click Show Custom Content Types
  4. Click Add Content Type
  5. Add the content type Application/x-bittorrent as shown below:
User-added image

If the downloads are already running a network administrator may need to close off the ports the torrents are running on. 

GFI WebMonitor 2015 and later
  1. Navigate to the Manage drop down > Policies
  2. Locate the Block P2P websites click the power button on
  3. Select the Edit button with the policy highlighted
  4. Drag the Users, Groups, IPS to the Drag Elements section
  5. Add the Users, Groups or IPS to the policy
  6. Hit save to complete the Policy set up

How a torrent works
A .TORRENT file is simply a pointer file to the location of parts of the real file on the Internet. The Torrent client software puts your computer into a peer-to-peer network that then collects the various parts of the real file using the TORRENT file as a guide. Meanwhile, your computer serves as a server to collect parts of other files and forward them to others while you are connected.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
