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Disabling the Secure Download Pop-Up


Depending on policy settings, GFI WebMonitor may show a Secure Download pop-up when scanning file downloads. This article provides the required steps to disable this feature in GFI WebMonitor 2013 and 2015


GFI WebMonitor 2013

  1. Open the Settings tab of the configuration. 
  2. Click on Policies and then select Security Policies
  3. Click on the Virus Scanning Policy for which you wish to disable this feature.
  4. Make sure that the 'Show download progress window' option is grayed out for all the file types. If they are not, click on them to disable it on a file type-basis, as highlighted in the image below. 
  5. Click Save to apply the changes.


GFI WebMonitor 2015 or later

  1. Open the GFI WebMonitor Management Console.
  2. Go to the Manage drop-down and select Policies.
  3. Locate the Av Scanning - Download policy or the policy that you created to scan downloads and click on Edit
  4. Locate the Download Progress Window checkbox and make sure to uncheck it.
  5. Click on Save to apply changes.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
