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PDF Report Shows Incomplete Pages


The last lines of reports are cut when exporting reports to PDF, like in the example below:

pdf problem


  • All versions of GFI EventsManager

Root Cause

The original PDF Exporter is out-of-date and needs to be replaced.


  1. Download the new version of the PDF Exporter.
  2. Right-click the zip file and check Properties. In the General tab, ensure that it is not blocked by Windows Download Security.
  3. Click Unblock if it exists.
  4. Stop all GFI EventsManager services and close the interface.
  5. Navigate to GFI EventsManager directory\wkhtmltopdf.
  6. Save a copy of wkhtmltopdf.exe in a backup folder.
  7. Replace wkhtmltopdf.exe with the file from the zip file.
  8. Restart the services.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
