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Consolidating Events from Remote GFI EventsManager Servers to a Central Instance


Organizations that have multiple installations of GFI EventsManager located in remote geographical sites can consolidate all events into a single database. This facilitates reporting and monitoring procedures.

This article provides the steps on how to consolidate events into a central instance using the Export to File and Import from File features.


Events consolidation is a two-step process in GFI EventsManager:

  1. Exporting events from remote sites using Export to File.
  2. Importing events to a central instance of GFI EventsManager using Import from File.

Note: The Export to File and Import from File feature can be time and resources consuming. It is advisable to create multiple files with a smaller amount of data, rather than a single and large file.


For Step 1: Export Events from Remote Sites

Use the Export to file feature to export events from the local database. GFI EventsManager compresses and encrypts the data to a file and exports the file to be processed to a central location. Please refer to the article Exporting to File to perform this step.


  • Make sure the Export all events option is selected if you want all events to be included in the export file.
  • (Optional) Check the Mark events as deleted option when configuring filtering options.
  •  Scheduled job when setting up the job execution.



For Step 2: Import events to a central instance of GFI EventsManager

The Import from File is executed at the central location, importing the events file exported in Step 1 above, into the central database. To Import from file, refer to the article Importing from File.

Note: It is recommended to use Scheduled job when setting up the job execution step.

When the import is complete, events from the remote site can then be viewed through the Events Browser.  Refer to the article Navigating the Events Browser for more information.

Reports with information relevant to the remote site can also be generated using data from the central database. Refer to the article Navigating the Reporting Tab for more information.



Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted 5 days ago
  3. Updated 5 days ago
