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Restoring Lost Configured Reports


The list of reports is suddenly blank and all report definitions are lost. From the Console under the Reporting tab, the list on the top left corner under Reports: is blank.

This article provides the resolution for the issue described above.


ESM2012 GOLD-20111130 + SR1-20120214


The patch AutoUpdate 20120307_ESM2012SR1_PATCH_00 addresses this issue.

Refer to the options below:

  • As a workaround, if you have a backup of C:\Program Files (x86)\GFI\EventsManager2012\Data\Reports\ReportsHeader.xml, restore it.
  • Otherwise, get a copy of a fresh installation and install it.
    Note: Avoid the report scheduling option: Recurrence pattern: - Monthly - Day X of every Y month(s).


  • It is recommended to update to at least ESM2012 SR1 build 20120214.
  • Ensure that the AutoUpdate 20120307_ESM2012SR1_PATCH_00 is applied.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
