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Knowledge articles related to Spam and Malware

  • Creating Custom Rules for Spam Control

    Overview In Kerio Connect, you can create your own anti-spam rules to filter email headers or email bodies. You can create as many rules as you like. Kerio Connect processes the rules in the order the...

  • Setting Spam Score Limits in Kerio Connect

    Overview Kerio Connect examines each incoming email with all the enabled tests and filters. Based on the resulting spam score, Kerio Connect marks the message as spam or delivers it to the Inbox folde...

  • Detecting Compromised Servers Used for Spamming

    Overview   Different situations can compromise a server:  The Kerio Connect server is slow. Users get bounced back emails they did not send. The Kerio Connect's server IP address (external IP) is gett...

  • Compromised account increases the Message Queue

    Overview The user email account has been compromised, which resulted in a huge number of emails occupying the Kerio Connect message queue. The user password was reset and the emails were removed from ...

  • Email Spam Protection using Blacklists and Caller ID

    Overview When the Kerio Connect server is receiving large number of emails, it might be an indication of traffic coming from blacklisted IP addresses or domain senders. As a result, user mailboxes are...

  • Preventing Your Emails from Being Marked as Spam

    Overview At times, the IP address from which you send emails may be marked as spam sender or blacklisted by email service providers (e.g., Gmail, Yahoo, Yandex, etc.). The following error may appear i...

  • Excluding an Email Address From a Blacklist

    Overview Kerio Connect can ask online blacklists if a sender's outgoing mail server is listed as a known spam offender. These blacklists significantly reduce spam; however, they sometimes reject legit...

  • Retrieving the '.eml' Source Files for Emails

    Overview This article shares the process of retrieving the '.eml' file or the 'email source' for a message. This is useful for resolving issues when emails are marked as spam/phishing for no apparent ...

  • Custom whitelists are not overriding the Spam Filter

    Overview While configuring custom whitelists to work on top of the Spam Filter, the IP address filtration is not applied. The IP address group contains the trusted IP address list. Prerequisites Acces...

  • Internal emails are being marked as Spam

    Overview While the Kerio Connect Anti-spam feature is enabled, the internal emails might be wrongly marked as Spam. It can be considered as false-positive alert or misconfigured non-recommended Spam F...