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Mainpine Cards Supported by GFI FaxMaker


This article answers the query: Which Mainpine cards does GFI FaxMaker support?



GFI Faxmaker supports the following Mainpine cards:
  • Mainpine RockForce series
    • 2 ports: RockForce DUO+ (2 Analog loop-start lines)
    • 4 ports: RockForce QUATRO+ (4 Analog loop-start lines)
    • 8 ports: RockForce OCTO+ (8 analog loop-start lines)

  • IQ Express (PCIe) series
    • 1 port: IQ Express 1-Port fax board (1 Analog PCI-Express, half-length board)
    • 2 ports: IQ Express 2-Port fax board (2 Analog PCI-Express, half-length board)
    • 4 ports: IQ Express 4-Port fax board (4 Analog PCI-Express, half-length board)
    • 8 ports: IQ Express 8-Port fax board (8 Analog PCI-Express, half-length board)


Additional Information

  • GFI FaxMaker supports multiple Mainpine fax boards in one machine.
  • All analog Mainpine cards support DID/DTMF.
  • GFI FaxMaker also supports the following RockForce IQ cards which have been replaced by the IQ Express (PCIe) series listed above:
    • 1 port: RockForce IQ -F1 (1 Analog loop-start line)
    • 2 ports: RockForce IQ-F2 (2 Analog loop-start lines)


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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