When attempting to use an evaluation license key for a GFI Product, initial install date for the version of the application is seen on the machine. A typical evaluation license key allows for 30 days, so if you have installed the same version of the GFI application over 30 days ago, you may have errors in key implementation.In a situation where this is encountered, it is suggested to install the GFI Product to a machine where the application has not been previously installed, then implement the evaluation license key.
Another possible cause of the error message 'Expired evaluation version...' is due to the credentials used to start the GFI service(s). If the GFI services are required start with a Domain Admin account, but the service was changed to 'Local System', GFI might be denied permission to access the software configuration. In this scenario, the software reverts back to the evaluation license and the original date the that evaluation began. The solution is to use appropriate user account credentials for starting the GFI service(s).
Priyanka Bhotika