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Exinda CLI: Serial Console Speed



This article describes the Exinda CLI command serial which can be used for configuring and viewing serial console speed.




The serial speed affects the parts of the system that use the serial console. The following table describes these effects. 

The speed in the table is the configured speed, or the default speed if it has never been configured.


Item Speed


BIOS Not Applicable

If a serial console is connected at boot time the BIOS output will adjust to match the serial speed. If no serial port is connected at boot time it will use the default speed for the model.

Boot menu 9600 or 115200

The boot menu will operate at the configured baud rate.

Kernel log messages 9600 or 115200

The kernel log messages will operate at the configured baud rate.

Login 9600

The serial port will operate at 9600 baud.

Login 115200

The serial port will operate at 115200 baud. However, if a serial console at 9600 baud is connected while at the login prompt, and any key pressed, the serial login prompt will switch to 9600 baud. It will remain at 9600 baud until the user logs out and the login prompt is presented once again.



The Console speed must be set to 9600 baud before downgrading to a version of firmware prior to version 6.3.8 as those versions do not fully support the serial console speed of 115200.


The following table details the commands that are used for the configuration of serial console speed:

NOTE:  The following syntax convention is used:
  • {}: Options are enclosed in braces and are separated by '|'
  • []: Optional keywords are enclosed in brackets
  • <>: User input is required where variables are enclosed in greater-than and less-than symbols


Action Description


To view the currently configured serial console speed, and the default speed for that model of Exinda appliance

show serial

To change the serial console speed

serial speed [9600|115200]


  • After changing the serial console speed, you must reboot the appliance to ensure that all areas of the system recognize the new speed.
  • The 6062, 8062, and 10062 appliances have a default serial console speed of 115200. All other hardware has a default serial speed of 9600.


Find more CLI commands.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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