No mailflow when releasing an item from the spam quarantine with missing sender information
Versions / Builds Affected
2012 / 20120618
Problem Summary
When releasing an email from the quarantine that has missing sender information, mailflow is interrupted and will not resume until all the GFI services are restarted.
How to Identify
When releasing an email from the quarantine that has missing sender information, mailflow is interrupted and will not resume until all the GFI services are restarted. A .bad file will appear in the Exchange Replay folder, and there will only be two lines in the email, similar to this: X-Sender: X-Receiver: The issue occurs because the email is not stored in the quarantine properly when there is no sender information. Thus when it is released, it has incomplete information and Exchange has a hard time understanding it.
Workaround / Fix Details
Upgrade customer to GFI MailEssentials 2015 or later
Required Actions
Upgrade customer to GFI MailEssentials 2015 or later
Priyanka Bhotika