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  • Searching the Quarantine

    Overview The Quarantine Store is accessible from the GFI MailEssentials interface and allows management of quarantined emails. This article provides the steps to search for the Quarantine. To access t...

  • Quarantine RSS Feeds

    Overview RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a protocol used to distribute frequently updatable content or feeds (for example, news items) with its subscribers. An RSS Feed Reader is required by subscr...

  • Working with Quarantined Emails

    Overview Within GFI MailEssentials there are a number of actions you can take on quarantined emails. The Quarantine Store is accessible from the GFI MailEssentials interface and the administrator can ...

  • The AntiSpam Quarantine or Greylisting Database Is Corrupt

    Overview This article describes the process to follow when the GFI MailEssentials AntiSpam Quarantine or Greylisting database is corrupt.   Environment GFI MailEssentials. All supported environments. ...

  • GFI MailEssentials Quarantine Feature

    Overview The GFI MailEssentials Quarantine feature provides a central store where all emails detected as spam or malware are retained. This ensures that users do not receive spam and malware in their ...

  • AntiSpam Quarantine Approve fails

    Versions / Builds Affected20.1, 20.2, 20.3 StatusOpen TT / JIRAIDGFIME-3260 How to IdentifyHow to reproduce: Both AS and ES quar db recreated fresh Sent a test email to be Quarantined Selected and App...

  • Antispam Quarantine Purge is not clearing old items out of the Spam Quarantine

    Versions / Builds Affected2012 20130226 , 20130417 StatusResolved Problem SummaryQuarantine is growing large in size due to the auto-purge setting for Antispam not clearing the older entries. TT / JIR...

  • Whitelist and Approve Button in MailEssentials Quarantine

    Overview This article provides an answer to the query: Can the 'Whitelist and Approve' button be removed from the MailEssentials Quarantine?   Information The 'Whitelist and Approve' button is always ...

  • Downloading item from the quarantine does not download email

    StatusResolved Problem SummaryDownloading item from the quarantine does not download the email. TT / JIRAIDMEC82 How to IdentifyWhen viewing an email in the quarantine from the 'More Details' link in ...

  • Emails cannot be approved nor deleted in the quarantine if the recipient is a secondary email address

    Versions / Builds Affected2012 / 20121218 StatusResolved Problem SummaryWhen trying to delete or approve an email from the user's quarantine (not administrator), if the recipient is a secondary email ...