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Emails are not processed in the dashboard and a large number of temp files in the Windows Temp directory


The GFI MailEssentials dashboard starts showing 'Items Processed Unsuccessful' and no emails are blocked as spam.

Upon further inspection, you notice a large number of files in the temp folders '%TEMP%' location and the C:\Windows\Temp\

Another possible symptom is when the Pop2Exchange service starts, the following error is displayed in the dashboard and the service stops without retrieving any emails:

Error: License Expired




  • GFI MailEssentials
  • All supported environments

Root Cause

As part of its operations, the Jet engine creates multiple JET*.tmp in the temp folders. On some occasions, the JET*.tmp will not be deleted. This is normally attributed to anti-virus software scanning of the temp folders. When the number of files reaches 65,000, the Jet engine cannot create any new temp files and stops functioning. This will cause GFI MailEssentials to fail to access its databases (e.g. When logging emails for reporting and archiving purposes, it will result in the problems mentioned above.).



  1. Browse to the %TEMP% location and to C:\Windows\Temp\.
  2. Delete all files located in those folders.
  3. Ensure that these folders are excluded from any Anti-virus or Backup software scanning.
  4. Reboot the machine.



All emails should not be processed in the dashboard without any issues.



Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
