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MailMonitoring taking a long time to process emails with recipients belonging to multiple groups

Versions / Builds Affected




Problem Summary

MailMonitoring is causing Submission queue to back up when processing emails sent to large amounts of recipients



How to Identify

When MailMonitoring is Enabled and emails are sent to large amount of recipients the Submission queue will start to back up and Errors in Event viewer will show our Transport agents taking more than 90000 milliseconds. Disable the MailMonitoring and the 90000 millisecond time out stops and Mail is clearing the submission queue. -The delay is caused by one email having numerous recipients and we are taking to long to perform lookups on each group member Best log to Identify the issue is EArchiveOut or EArchiveIn -Look for emails with Large amounts of groups or email adresses Application logs will show ApplicationEventLog.txt(21762): 2014-11-19T13:41:25 Warning MSExchange Extensibility MExRuntime The execution time of agent 'GfiAsRtSubmittedAgent' exceeded 90000 milliseconds while handling event 'OnSubmittedMessage' for message with InternetMessageId: 'Not Available'. This is an unusual amount of time for an agent to process a single event

Workaround / Fix Details

Verify the issue stops after disabling MailMonitoring -Gather logs and escalate if disabling MailMonitoring corrects the issue -A patch has already been created to correct the issue escalate for the customer to receive the patch.

Required Actions

Verify the issue stops after disabling MailMonitoring -Gather logs and escalate if disabling MailMonitoring corrects the issue -A patch has already been created to correct the issue escalate for the customer to receive the patch.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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