The email responsiveness report fails to be generated (Domains list too long)
Versions / Builds Affected
20120215 until 20130723
Problem Summary
The report can fail to generate if the list of domains, which is passed to an SQL query, is too long.
How to Identify
Look for the following error in the debug log: Store/Debuglogs/MailInsightsReporting.log: 2012-04-24,10.02.18,210,1,"#00006388","#00000009","info ","MailInsightsReporting",">>RptEmailResponsiveness db: 554b3aff-118f-49cc-9c5a-75db2d0db3ea; Start: 01/04/2012 0.00.00; End: 24/04/2012 23.59.59; Domain:;;;;;; ... *** A HIGH AMOUNT OF DOMAINS IS LISTED HERE *** 2012-04-24,10.02.18,913,1,"#00006388","#00000009","error ","MailInsightsReporting","Error: >>RptEmailResponsiveness failed. Store.Exceptions.DalException: QueryFailed ---> FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.FbException: arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation ---> FirebirdSql.Data.Common.IscException: Generata eccezione di tipo 'FirebirdSql.Data.Common.IscException'. You find the domain list in the log above to be extremely long. When passing this long list as a parameter to the database the query fails. This domain list is being pulled from Active Directory objects (user objects, but also mail contact objects). You most likely find most domains to belong to mail contact objects. Note: The none internal domains are filtered out at a later stage during the process of report generation and would not falsify the report itself.
Workaround / Fix Details
Add the following key to Store\Data\product.config to exclude the domains that are pulled from the mail contacts (non-internal domains): . Restart the Store service. Fixed in 20131111 (this version contains a change which addresses this issue).
Required Actions
Apply the workaround or upgrade to 20131111 or newer.
Priyanka Bhotika