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Searches using 'Sent Date' criteria fail to return results

Versions / Builds Affected

MailArchiver 2014 and newer



Problem Summary

After upgrading from MailArchiver 2013 R2 or older to a newer version of Archiver, the customer finds searches (either Simple or Advance) fail to return results.



How to Identify

After upgrading from MailArchiver 2013 R2 or older to a newer version of Archiver, the customer finds searches (either Simple or Advance) fail to return results. This behavior can be further identified if searches by date criteria only return results of emails archived AFTER an upgrade to MailArchiver 2014 or later.

Workaround / Fix Details

A re-index of the archive stores where date criteria will be used in searches will be needed to address this. The standard method of using the web user interface (Configuration > Archive Stores > > Highlight the Store in question > Click 'Rebuild Index') will be adequate in resolving this. Please note that the reindex will need to be performed AFTER an upgrade to MailArchiver 2014 or later to correct the search results
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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