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How to view archived messages using message ID and connection ID ( ONLY)


When a specific message is causing a process to fail, the MessageID and connectionID from the debug log files can be used to confirm whether the email exists or to ask the customer to download the email, save it to disk and send it to you.

For issues with exporting from GFI Archiver:
  1. Browse to ...\GFI\Archiver\ASPNET\UI\DebugLogs\messagesource.log
  2. From messagesource.log find messageID and connection for failing messages
    • Examples:
2012-02-03,11:14:29,314,1,"#00000EA8","#00000020","info ","messagesource","MessageID: -2147454508, connection:469f836d-0115-4e82-89d2-e9f07a443674, requested type: eml"
2012-02-03,11:14:29,314,1,"#00000EA8","#00000020","info ","messagesource","Connecting to Store"
2012-02-03,11:14:29,345,1,"#00000EA8","#00000020","error ","messagesource","Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
; at MArc.Web.MessageSource.FillData()
; at MArc.Web.MessageSource.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)"
MessageID: -2147454508
connection: 469f836d-0115-4e82-89d2-e9f07a443674
2012-03-08,14:13:56,125,1,"#00002058","#0000003E","info ","messagesource","MessageID: -2147473532, connection:eefbb2e7-2d1e-4504-8cb4-f257bb9936e9, requested type: eml"
2012-03-08,14:13:56,125,1,"#00002058","#0000003E","info ","messagesource","Connecting to Store"
2012-03-08,14:13:56,142,1,"#00002058","#0000003E","info ","messagesource","Size: 81920, compressed: True"
2012-03-08,14:13:56,143,1,"#00002058","#0000003E","error ","messagesource","Error: System.ArgumentException: Email not found
;Parameter name: value
; at MArc.Web.MessageSource.FillData()
; at MArc.Web.MessageSource.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)"
MessageID: -2147473532
connection: eefbb2e7-2d1e-4504-8cb4-f257bb9936e9
  1. Use the following URL to access the messages from GFI Archiver server
    • http://localhost/Archiver/source.aspx?id=<messageID>&connectionId=<databaseConnectionID>
  1. If using Firebird or Microsoft SQL Server + File Storage (a binary folder), confirm binary file exists
    1. From ..GFI\Archiver\Core\Data\MarcSettings.xml find the path to binary files for connectionID found above
      1. Note: ConnectionID = database Guid
    2. Browse to binary path location
    3. Use messageID found above to locate bix file
      • Examples:
<binary location path>\-2147\454\508.bix
<binary location path>\-2147\473\532.bix
  • Note: If the binary files are missing, the messages can NOT be exported.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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