GFI LanGuard is deploying to the wrong computer
Versions / Builds Affected
LanGuard 2012 (all builds)
Problem Summary
When deploying updates/patches, agent installations, ect. to a computer in the dashboard, the job details show the job running (connecting, installing the patch agent, etc.) but nothing happens on the target computer.
How to Identify
1. Choose a target computer the problem is happening on 2. From the LanGuard server connect to the \\Target_computer\c$\Windows\Patches directory and delete all files in the directory 3. Deploy a patch (or anything) to the target machine Note: If the customer doesn't want you to deploy a patch, deploy a DoNothing.bat file that contains the following line that will create a DoNothing.txt file: echo "Do Nothing" >> DoNothing.txt Deploy it using the Custom software deployment. 4. If nothing appears in the target computer's c:Windows\Patches folder check the following: 5. In SQL Management Studio right click the LNSSScanResults11 database and chose 'New Query' 6. In the query window paste the following query: SELECT * FROM Computer WHERE Name='ComputerName' (Replace ComputerName with the name displayed in the dashboard) - results will contain the following fields: ComputerID DnsName IP IsLicensed MAC Name Timestamp Type If the first part of the 'DnsName' does not match the 'Name' of the computer then the customer is having this issue and the deployment is actually going to the computer listed in the 'DnsName' field. 7. You may also notice the if you do a 'ping -a IP_Address' on computers in the dashboard you may find that they resolve to the wrong computername 8. This issue is caused by a reverse lookup problem in the customer's domain.
Workaround / Fix Details
There are a couple of workarounds for the issue: 1. Try doing a network discovery on the computer(s). In some cases this may not resolve the issue. 2. Manually change the entry in the database 3. Have the customer fix his reverse lookup issues with DNS 4. PSG has a patch for the issue
Required Actions
1. Verify the conditions described in the "How to identify" section exist. 2. If the problem is very limited and only is for a few machines, the workarounds may fix the issue and you can close the case after verification 3. If the customer has a lot of reverse lookup DNS issues and doesn't want to take steps to fix them, escalate the case without Troubleshooters for PSG to apply the patch
Priyanka Bhotika