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GFI LanGuard Is Unable to Scan Remote Machines - Access is denied.


GFI LanGuard is not able to scan remote machines thoroughly. In such cases, GFI LanGuard has partial access to remote registry or SMB (Server Message Block).
Errors similar to the following may be displayed in the Scanner Activity Window:

  • Failed to open a test key to the remote registry.
  • The scan will not continue.
  • Error 5 - Access is denied.
  • Could not connect to remote SMB server.

Alternative credentials with Domain Administrator rights are being specified.


GFI LanGuard

Root Cause

This issue occurs when the remote computer has a local account with the same username and password as the Domain Administrator being used by GFI LanGuard to execute the scan.

This account does not have administrative privileges on the machine.
Example: The account on the local machine is only a member of the Users group.


  1. Log on to the GFI LanGuard host machine using an alternate Domain Administrator with no corresponding local account on the remote computer.
  2. Change the password of the corresponding local user account on a remote computer.
  3. Delete the corresponding local user account on the remote computer.
  4. Launch GFI LanGuard by doing a right-click on lnss.exe and choose Run As using another Domain Administrator account with no corresponding local account on the remote computer.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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