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Failed to Deploy Patches: "Program is not recognized as an or external command, operable program or batch file (9009)"


When deploying patches during remediation, all patches fail to install with the error:

GFI LanGuard 2014 R2 - build 20140512 and later:
Program is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file (9009)

Previous versions:
DNS server not authoritative for zone.



GFI LanGuard


Root Cause

There are 2 possible causes:

  • The %SystemRoot%\System32 value is not part of the system PATH variable.
  • There is a problem with the operating system when expanding the %SystemRoot%\System32 to C:\Windows\system32.



  1. Go to Control Panel > System and Security > Advanced System Settings.
  2. Click Environment Variables.
  3. Find the Path System variable, highlight it and click the Edit button.
  4. Make sure it has %SystemRoot%\System32; in the variable value. If it is missing add it and click OK. Go to step 7. Otherwise, continue with step 5.
  5. Copy the entire Variable value, paste it into a text file and replace the Variable value temporarily with some other value and click OK.
  6. Edit the value again, paste the saved original value in its place and click OK.
  7. Test by launching msiexec.exe /? from the Start Run line or the command prompt.


NOTE: If you have multiple computers in your domain with the issue, you can set this by group policy with instructions from the following Microsoft article: Configure an Environment Variable Item.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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